Tighten tone duo

(Smoothie + Bomb bum cream)

Rs. 4,220 Rs. 2,859
(Smoothie + Bomb bum cream)
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 Introducing the "Tighten Tone Duo," a dynamic combination designed to elevate your body care routine. This powerful duo includes the "Bomb Bum Cream" and the indulgent "Smoothie Body Conditioner." The "Bomb Bum Cream" is crafted to target specific areas, aiding in cellulite reduction and tightening the skin, while the "Smoothie Body Conditioner" ensures 24-hour hydration, acne control, and a luxuriously radiant feel. Together, they create a harmonious synergy, providing a comprehensive solution for skin tightening and conditioning.

  • Smoothie
    In shower body conditioner Body's best hydration & acne solution.
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    Bomb bum cream
    Skin tightening body cream with in-built massager
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